
What are fishes like ?
A fish cannot play with you like a dog or a cat, but can be fun and interesting to watch. As fishes do not have eyelids, they cannot close their eyes when sleeping.
What kind of fish should I get ?
Marine fishes like the clownfish are harder to take care of than most other freshwater fishes |
You should get the fish that you can look after properly. Some fishes require a lot of space and may not suit you if you do not have enough room for it. Some fish can get along with others while some cannot. Marine fishes or saltwater fishes are usually more difficult and expensive to look after as compared to freshwater fishes. There is a wide variety of freshwater fish to choose from here are some - Tetras, Corydoras, Siamese fighting fish, Goldfish, Guppies, Swordtails and Platies.
A tank
- Air pump
- Filtration system
- Fish food
- Lots of space to swim around
- Hiding places
- Cleaning equipment
- Lots of attention
How do I look after my fish ?
It is important to keep your fish tank clean and change the water weekly. Do not change all the water at one single time. You should leave at least half or more of the water in the tank. Scrub the sides of the tank to remove algae. A filter will also help keep your tank clean.
What do fishes eat ?
Not all fishes eat the same thing. Most fish can eat both plant and meat. Some fish need to be fed food like bloodworm, tubifex worms or vegetables.
Tip: If you are keeping a mixture of fishes, you should use both flakes and the faster sinking pellets. Hence while the bolder fish eat the flakes on the surface the more timid ones can eat the sucken food.