Birds are warm-blooded animals with feathers. Most can fly but some, like the Ostrich and Penguin cannot. Birds lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. There is a large variety of birds ranging from really small ones to larger ones. While some can live only a few years, others can live up to 70 years.
Some popular pet birds include the Budgerigar, Canary, Pinch, Parakeet, Cockatiel and the Indian hill Mynah. Not all birds make good pets as some are very big and noisy.
Birds like to have company. While some can sing beautifully others can only make loud noises that can sometimes be irritating. Trust between owner and bird can only be build with time.
Some birds moult their feathers at certain time of the year, creating a mess. Birds groom themselves in shallow water. Birds are very curious and may like to play with toys like mirrors and balls.
Being really smart, birds can be trained to do simple tricks. Parrots and Mynahs can learn to talk as well.
How do I look after my bird ?
You will need to disinfect your birds cage weekly. Some birds will take off the hard outer parts of the seeds and eat only the insides. Hence you will need to throw away the empty husks in the feed bowl daily.
Your bird will need a shallow bowl of water to bath in. When it is sick your bird may become very quiet or not eat.
Birds like things to remain unchanged and might become scared when a stranger they never see before approach it. You can train your bird to sit or perch on your finger but you need to do it step by step. Start by holding out food to her so that it can get used to your hand. Do not make sudden movements around your bird as it may get frighten. Trim your bird's claw if they grow too long as it may scratch you.
What my bird needs ?
- A cage
- Food & water
- A food dish
- A water dish
- Bird bath
- Perches
- Toys ( mirrors, ladders, etc )
- Cuttlefish bone / Calcium carbonate
- Grit ( for some birds )
- Nail trimmer
- Cage cover
- Love & time
What do birds eat ?

Birds need a balanced diet and is not good to feed your bird only one sort of food. Birds also eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Too much of these food however will give your bird diarrhoea.
Some birds also eat mealworms and crickets. Birds also need a piece of cuttlefish bone for calcium. Sometimes, birds also may need sand to help aid in it's digestion.